Graphical method, or Geometric method, allows solving simple linear programming problems intuitively and visually. This method is limited to two or three problems decision variables since it is not possible to graphically illustrate more than 3D.
Although in reality only rarely problems arise with two or three decision variables, nonetheless it is very useful this solving methodology. To graphically show possible situations such as the existence of a single optimal solution, alternatives optimal solutions, the nonexistence of solution and unboundedness, it is a visual aid to interpret and understand the simplex method algorithm (much more sophisticated and abstract) and concepts surrounding it.
The process phases of problems solving by Graphical method are:
An example of the Graphical method is provided to more easily development and application understanding.
Version 0.81
Copyright ©2006-2025. All rights reserved.
Developed by:
Daniel Izquierdo Granja
Juan José Ruiz Ruiz
English translation by:
Luciano Miguel Tobaria
French translation by:
Ester Rute Ruiz
Portuguese translation by:
Rosane Bujes